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Red Signal Crossing Fine Dubai: Understanding Penalties and Avoiding Trouble

Driving safely in the UAE is really important. One big rule is stopping at red lights. The Dubai Police emphasize the dangers of ignoring red lights due to the risk of severe accidents. Major General Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, in charge of traffic, shared some scary stats about accidents caused by running red lights. 

So, let’s talk about why stopping at red lights is so important. Moreover, we’ll discuss what happens if you don’t and how to avoid getting in trouble, especially concerning the ‘red signal crossing fine Dubai.’ It’s all about keeping everyone safe on the roads!

Red Light Accidents from Breaking Rules

Maj. Gen. Al Mazroui shared some serious news about road safety. In the last seven months, there were 51 accidents because people didn’t stop at red lights.

Unfortunately, two people lost their lives, and 73 suffered injuries with some severe moderate, or minor harm. Furthermore, authorities impounded 855 cars due to drivers ignoring red lights. During this period, they issued 13,876 fines for running red lights.

These numbers tell us how important it is to follow traffic rules, especially when the light is red. Thus, ignoring it doesn’t just mean risking a red signal crossing fine Dubai; it can lead to accidents where people get hurt or worse. 

Red Light Fines in Dubai

Running a red light in Dubai can cost you a lot of money. If you’re on a motorbike, you could get fined 1000 AED. Car drivers face the same fine if they ignore the red signal. 

But if you’re driving a big truck, the red signal crossing fine goes up to 3000 AED. And it’s not just about the money – breaking this rule can also add 12 black points to your license or may lead to vehicle impoundment for 30 days. That’s why it’s important to always stop at red lights. 

Red Signal Crossing Fine By Walk

Crossing a red signal on foot in the UAE can lead to getting fined. If you’re caught crossing roads without a marked crossing, the Dubai red signal crossing fine is AED 400. The same goes if you ignore traffic lights when crossing. 

Even if you drive and go too fast near pedestrian crossings, you could be fined AED 500. Thus, follow traffic rules and use designated crossings to avoid getting in trouble and to stay safe while walking on the roads.

Dubai Police Crack Down on Dangerous Driving

Dubai Police are getting tough on drivers who ignore red lights or drive recklessly. They’ve shared a video highlighting eight alarming instances of dangerous driving. Including drivers zooming past red lights and overspeeding causing crashes. One clip shows a car hitting a cyclist because it fails to stop. Another shows a car colliding with a motorcycle at a crosswalk.

Recently, Dubai introduced new laws that target reckless driving and running the red signals. Those caught face the Dubai red signal crossing a fine of up to Dh50,000. Additionally, racing on the roads incurs a Dh100,000 penalty and an overspeeding fine.

The police have already fined two drivers Dh50,000 each as part of their commitment to making roads safer. One was tailgating and overtaking dangerously, while the other performed stunts on a Dubai highway. 

OffenseFine (AED)Impoundment Fee (AED)
Participating in road races without permission100,000
Jumping a red light50,000
Driving recklessly in a way that endangers others’ safety50,000
Operating leisure motorbikes or quad bikes on surfaced streets50,000
Using fake or tampered number plates50,000
Intentionally hitting a police car50,000
Allowing someone under 18 to drive50,000
Impounding a vehicle for modification10,00010,000
Escaping from the police10,000
Driving without a number plate10,000
Gathering to watch illegal races or stunts on roads10,000
Having tinted glass exceeding the permitted limit10,000
vehicle with enhanced speed and louder engine noise10,000

The Consequences Of Running Red Signals

Black Points:

When you cross a red signal in Dubai, you get more than just a fine. You also get 12 black points on your driving record. If you get 24 in a year, your driving license might be taken away for at least three months.

Vehicle Confiscation:

If you don’t stop at a red light, your car might be taken away for a whole month. This could cause a lot of trouble because you’ll have to spend more money to get your car back.

Legal action in case of severe issues:

Running a red light can lead to really bad accidents, which can result in severe injuries or deaths. In such cases, you could end up in serious trouble with the law. Moreover, you might have to go to court and even go to jail.

Insurance Risks:

If you don’t stop at traffic lights, your car insurance could cost you more. It is so because insurance companies think that if you break the rules, you’re more likely to have accidents. So, they make you pay more to have insurance.

What Happens When You Break the Rules?

Your record notes each time you break a traffic rule. This record notes when you broke the rule and gives you points for it. More serious violations get more points. These points affect your driving rights. Following rules keeps your record clean and roads safe. Knowing this helps you drive better.

Handling Mistaken Traffic Fines

If you ever get a fine for something you didn’t do while driving, Article 10 has the answers. It says if you receive a fine wrongly, you need to let the real driver know within a month. Forgetting to do this could cause you problems later on. So, remember to inform the real driver if you get a fine you didn’t deserve.

How to check and Pay a red signal crossing fine in Dubai?

There are several ways to check and pay a red signal crossing fine in Dubai. You can go for online portals like Dubai Police and RTA Dubai website or you can visit nearby kiosks and customer happiness centers.

Checking red signal crossing fine through the Dubai Police website

Follow the given steps:

  • Visit the Dubai Police website 
  • Find the “Services” and select “Traffic Services” to continue.
  • head to the homepage and find the section labeled “Fines Inquiry and Payment.”
  • You’ll likely need to enter your vehicle details (plate number) or driving license number to access your traffic fines.
  • The system will display details about any outstanding fines, including the type of violation (jumping a red signal), amount due, and reference number.
  • Select the convenient payment option and pay the fine

Checking red signal crossing fine through the RTA Dubai website

You may need to:

  • Visit the RTA website 
  • Proceed to the section dedicated to “Traffic Violations” or “Verify Your Fines.”
  • Enter the required information (your Traffic File Number) to access fines.
  • The portal will show the details about your fines, including the red signal violation if present.
  • Then select the most suitable payment method and pay your fine.

Self Service Kiosks

Follow these easy steps:

  • Find your nearest Sahl Kiosk in shopping malls or government service centers.
  • Use the kiosk’s touchscreen interface to navigate to “Emirates ID Services” (if applicable).
  • Find the “Inquiry About Fines” option and input your Emirates ID number.
  • The kiosk might display details about any traffic fines associated with your ID, including red signal violations.
  • Pay the due fine amount and enjoy driving. But be mindful of UAE’s traffic rules

Visiting Customer Happiness centers

Do as instructed:

  • Contact the nearest customer happiness center handling traffic fines inquiries.
  • Visit the service center with your original Emirates ID and any relevant documents related to the potential fine (if available).
  • Explain to the service staff that you want to inquire about any fines, particularly for a red signal violation.
  • Staff will use your ID and information to retrieve details about outstanding fines.
  • Follow the instructions and pay your fines

Avoid Dubai Red Signal Crossing Fine With These Easy Tips

Are you in a hurry driving through Dubai? It might seem tempting to rush through a red light, but that could lead to big fines and hassle. Here’s an easy guide to help you stay safe and avoid red signal crossing fines in Dubai:

1. Drive Smartly

Keep an eye on the traffic lights and be ready for changes. When you see a yellow light, slow down—it’s a signal to prepare to stop, not speed up. Leave enough space between you and the car in front so you have time to react if the light changes suddenly. And don’t get distracted by texting or messing with the radio. Keep your focus on the road.

2. Understand the Traffic Lights

Yellow lights are a heads-up to slow down, not to rush through. Some intersections in Dubai have special warning lights that flash yellow before turning red—be extra careful at these spots. And if you’re driving in an area you’re not familiar with, take it easy and pay close attention to the lights and when they change.

3. Watch Out for Pedestrians

In Dubai, pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks, even if the light seems to favor them. Wait until they cross the road safely.


It’s important to drive safely and follow traffic rules to avoid getting a red signal crossing fine in Dubai. Understanding the penalties, learning defensive driving, and paying attention to traffic lights can help. By driving responsibly, we not only save money but also make the roads safer for everyone. 

Remember, in the UAE, road safety is a priority, so let’s all obey the rules, drive carefully, and keep our driving records clean. This way, we can avoid fines and have a better driving experience overall.


What happens if I go through a red light by mistake in Dubai?

If you accidentally drive past a red light in Dubai, you could face serious consequences. The Dubai Police have strict penalties for this. You might get a red signal crossing fine in Dubai of Dh50,000, lose your car for a month, and get 23 black marks on your driver’s license.

It’s crucial to always follow traffic signals to steer clear of these punishments and ensure everyone’s safety on the road.

Is it okay to go through an intersection when the light is yellow in Dubai?

No, it’s not okay. In Dubai, it’s against the rules to drive into an intersection when the light is yellow. This can be dangerous for other drivers and might cause accidents. Always wait for the green light before crossing to stay safe and follow the traffic laws.

How long does it take for a red light ticket to be recorded?

Typically, it takes a few days for a red light ticket to be logged into the system. But it’s smart to keep checking regularly so you know if there are any fines linked to your car or driving record. It will help you handle penalties quickly.

Why is it important to leave a gap of three seconds while driving in the UAE?

It’s important to keep a three-second gap because it helps prevent accidents. When you leave this gap, you have enough time to react if the car ahead suddenly stops. Plus, it keeps you from getting in trouble with the law and maintains your driving record clean. So, always remember to keep that three-second space for safer driving!

Can I dispute a red light crossing fine in Dubai?

Yes, if you think the fine is wrong, you can tell the traffic officer or police. They’ll listen to you and check if there was a mistake. Just bring any proof you have to show you didn’t do anything wrong.

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