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UAE’s New Rules for Online Quran Learning

Learning the Quran online has become popular in the UAE. It’s convenient, fits busy schedules, and lets you learn from home! But with so many choices, picking the licensed Quran-teaching platform is important. 

The UAE recently made a new Rules for Online Quran Learning. Now, online Quran platforms need a special license to operate. This might seem like extra work but it’s actually good news for you and your child. 

Why? Because licensed platforms mean qualified teachers and accurate learning. Moreover, new rules will ensure people learning the Quran get accurate and proper religious education. 

Why Did the UAE Implement This Ban?

What if your child is learning the Quran online but instead of understanding Islam better, they’re taught the wrong things? That’s why the UAE government is creating new rules for online Quran classes. New rules highlight the following issues that need to be taken in care:

Unqualified Teachers:

Some online platforms offer Quran classes without checking if the teachers are qualified. This can lead to mistakes and misunderstandings about the Quran’s teachings.

Inaccurate Information:

Platforms without a license might not have a proper plan for teaching or give wrong information. This can confuse your child and make learning the Quran harder.

Protecting Children:

The UAE government looks after its citizens, especially children. By controlling online Quran classes, they make sure kids don’t learn wrong or harmful things.

Think about it!

Licensed platforms are trusted guides for your child’s Quranic journey. They promise qualified teachers, a strategic learning plan, and accurate information, important for a good learning experience.

Qualification Criteria for Teaching the Holy Quran in the UAE

Choosing a licensed online Quran platform offers peace of mind. But who exactly qualifies as a licensed teacher? The Islamic Affairs authorities have set the following guidelines:

Experience and Age:

Teachers must be at least 21 years old and have the necessary experience. It ensures they have a strong foundation in Islamic knowledge and teaching methods.

Good Character:

The Islamic Affair authorities believe that Quran teachers should have good behavior. This means someone who embodies Islamic values and can be a positive role model for your child.

Clean Background:

Teachers undergo checks to ensure they haven’t been convicted of serious crimes. It will protect children and uphold the integrity of Quranic instruction.

Health and Fitness:

Being healthy and fit allows teachers to effectively teach and interact with students online.


Teachers must need specific qualifications and certifications depending on their role.

Testing and Approval:

Teachers must take tests and interviews to show what they know and how they teach. It will ensure they meet the required standards.

Work Permit:

If the teacher isn’t sponsored by the online platform, they must have a valid work permit to teach in the UAE.

Going Against The Rule Can Cost Hefty Fines

If someone is teaching the Quran without a license, they can get in big trouble. They might have to go to jail for at least two months and pay a fine of up to Dh50,000. These penalties are serious and are enforced alongside any other harsh punishments from other laws.

So, it’s crucial to follow the rules and get the proper license before teaching the Quran in the UAE.

How to Find Good Online Quran Classes in the UAE?

If you want to find good online Quran classes in the UAE that follow the new rules, you must check out the following:

  • Check Licensing: Look for platforms licensed by the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf), which watches over Islamic education in the UAE. Licensed platforms will show their license info on their website.
  • Instructor Qualifications: Make sure the instructors are qualified Qaris or Hifz teachers. Having the right experience and qualifications is crucial for being a good teacher.
  • Read Reviews: Read what other students say about the classes. This can tell you if the teaching style works well and if the classes are effective.
  • Consider Factors: Look at what they teach, how they teach, and how much it costs. Online platforms have different ways of teaching and are good for all ages. Choose one that fits how you like to learn and what you can afford.

How To Set Up A Quran Teaching Center In The UAE?

If you are thinking about opening a Quran teaching center in the UAE, here are some important things to remember:

  • Get Licensed: Just like any other business, you need a proper license to run a Quran teaching center. This shows that your center meets all the legal rules.
  • Safe and Good Space: The building you pick must be safe and healthy. It should have separate classrooms for boys and girls, and spaces for different learning activities.
  • Right Equipment: You’ll need specific equipment for your students, as required by the law. This makes sure they have everything they need for a good learning experience.

The Bottom Line

Choosing a licensed website for learning the Quran online makes sure you get the right teachings and help. These classes are easy to fit into your schedule. While let you learn from good teachers no matter where you are in the UAE. To find a good one, you can check the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf) website.

They have a list of places where you can learn the Quran online with a license. You can also ask trusted Islamic groups or online communities for suggestions. Doing these things will help you find a good online Quran class that works for you and helps you understand the Holy Quran better.

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