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Fine up to 50,000 UAE’s New Regulations for Hajj and Umrah Operations?

Hajj and Umrah are sacred pilgrimages to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, undertaken by Muslims as a core part of their faith.  For many Muslims, planning this religious journey is a lifetime goal. To make planning easier and safer, the UAE launched new rules!

These regulations ensure everything is organized and protects pilgrims, giving them peace of mind to focus on their spiritual journey. Let’s explore what these new rules mean and how they make Hajj and Umrah smoother.

New Rules For Hajj and Umrah In The UAE

Prior Approval for Organizers

One of the biggest changes is that UAE-based companies organizing Hajj or Umrah trips must now get approval from the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (GAIAE) before accepting applications. This ensures they meet specific standards and prevents unlicensed companies from participating.

Restrictions on Donations

The new rules also prohibit collecting or receiving donations for the pilgrimage without a valid GAIAE license. These rules make sure all money matters for Hajj and Umrah are clear and follow the law.

If you break these rules, you could get fined up to 50,000 dirhams. This applies to organizers, campaign leaders, and offices that take donations without permission.

Streamlined Licensing Procedures

To further regulate the organization of the Islamic pilgrimage, the UAE has established clear licensing procedures and fines for violations. Hajj or Umrah operators must follow these steps to ensure compliance with the new rules.

This streamlined approach not only enhances safety and organization during the pilgrimage but also builds trust among pilgrims.

Why UAE Authorities Made This Move?​

The UAE decided to make stricter rules for Hajj and Umrah operators because they want to make sure residents have a safer pilgrimage. They want everyone to feel secure during their religious journey. Several factors contributed to this move:

  • Stopping Illegal Entry: 

Some people try to go to Mecca illegally during Hajj, using business visas. New rules with big fines aim to stop this and make sure people go through legal channels.

  • Protecting Against Bad Companies: 

Some companies offer very cheap pilgrimage trips without proper permits. This can be risky for pilgrims. The new rules make sure companies have permits and meet standards to keep people safe.

  • Making Things Clear: 

Before, there weren’t clear rules for Hajj and Umrah companies. Before, it might have been confusing. But now there are clear rules for companies. This helps people trust them more and makes pilgrimages safer.

Choose Licensed Operators 

The new rules show how crucial it is to pick a licensed operator. Unlicensed companies might offer tempting deals, but they often lack proper accreditation and could put your pilgrimage at risk. Licensed operators have to meet certain standards, making sure you feel calm and have a trustworthy journey.

List of Licensed Hajj or Umrah Operators

Following are a few licensed Hajj or Umrah operators:

  • Abdullah Bin Karam Hajj and Umrah Travel
  • Al Mumayaz Umrah and Hajj
  • Al Bateen Haj and Umrah
  • Al Rowad Hajj and Umrah
  • Al Shamsi Haj and Umrah Co
  • Khail Ibrahim Haj & Umrah Campaign
  • Al Falah Haj,Umrah,Travel & Tours

Non-Compliance Can Lead To Fines  

It’s important to note that violating the new Hajj and Umrah regulations can lead to hefty fines of up to 50,000 dirhams. This applies not just to operators, but also to anyone collecting donations for Hajj or Umrah without a valid GAIAE license.

Benefits Of The New Rules

The UAE’s new regulations for Hajj and Umrah operators bring several perks ensuring a safe and sacred experience.

  1. Smooth And Secure Trips

Firstly, these rules boost organization during pilgrimages. Making sure operators have a license meeting standards for how they serve and accommodate people. Therefore, This makes it easier for pilgrims, so they can concentrate on their spiritual journey without any extra trouble.

  1. Protection From Scams

Secondly, the rules aim to stop fraudulent schemes by unlicensed companies. Some may offer suspiciously low prices but lack proper accreditation. While, these new rules shield pilgrims from dishonest operators who could spoil their pilgrimage.

  1. Transparency And Responsibility

These new rules make things clear for Hajj and Umrah companies. It means pilgrims can trust them more and have a good experience.


The new rules might seem like an extra step, but they’re simply to make your Hajj or Umrah worry-free. It’s like having an extra layer of security, giving you peace of mind to focus on your faith. The UAE wants everyone to have a safe and fulfilling journey.

So, do your research, choose a licensed company, and embark on your pilgrimage with a calm and devoted heart. May your Hajj or Umrah be blessed and transform your life!

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